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Most Powerful Guilds


1435 kills


1027 kills


368 kills

Trap House

203 kills

Full Zajazd

132 kills
29.5.2024 - Major Update #2 Is here !

Update Highlights:

Embark on an adventure filled with challenges and rewards as you explore the expanding world.



- All stability issues are resolved, ensuring a smoother journey ahead.

- Two new task bosses added: Barbarian Task and Twisted Shaper Task.

- Engage in missions from new NPCs for valuable rewards and access to new zones.

- Golden account perks now accurate.

- Discover set dismantling for gear customization.

- Explore two new islands: Emerald Isle (Lvl 2.5k+) and Ice Island (Lvl 4k+).



- Daily Bomberman event (18:00 CET and 06:00 CET).

- Daily Bigfoot event (16:00 CET and 03:00 CET).

- Daily LMS event (14:00 CET and 01:00 CET).

- NPC Event Master for token exchange.


Raid & Daily Bosses:

- Eight new bosses and two boss zones introduced.

- Daily boss summonings for thrilling battles and loot.


Quality of Life:

- Change health bar stats with "!changestats" command.

- Level 4000+ boss encounters improved.

- Market experience smoother with fixed bugs and new sorting options.

- Token shop offers stackable items.

- Added Vocation Changer Paper for 1500 premium points.



- Removed Vial with a skull from token shop.

- Penguins event starts automatically (21:00 CET and 02:00 CET).

- EXP gains adjusted for levels 5100+.

- Healing abilities scale with level.Fixed Hibernal Moth mount respawn.



Detailed Vocational Changes:

  - Knight: New buff spell "Knight Berserk" and enhanced defensive stance.

  - Druid: Additional mana consumable buff and enhanced defenses.

  - Sorcerer: Raw magic power spell and increased damage output.

  - Paladin: Modified Healing spell and improved defenses in PVP encounters.

16.5.2024 - Minor Client Patch

Some adjustments has been added into client modules aiming to increase QoL & reduce bugs.

Client Update:

     - You can buy from tokens shop with star coins from bank.

     - Token shop allows you to buy with cout for stackable objects.

     - Market Now contains sorting options and won't change page after purchase anymore.

     - Bank won't allow starcoins withdrawal as long as you don't have enough cap for it (star & gold)

     - Market offers will only appear with its real price now.

To sort market offers you have to click on the sort option available from the table details row.

Note: Please make sure to update your client before playing to prevent any further issues due to compatibility between the old version & new version of client modules configuration.

30.3.2024 - Update on major changes in our server!

The latest game update brings a plethora of new content, fixes, and improvements:

New Content and Features:

  • Introducing two new dungeons for players at levels 2000 and 2500, with loot conveniently visible within the in-game window.
  • A new spawn at level 1200 has been added, alongside two additional spawns in the 2000 level range.

  • Players can now encounter the Spirit of Purity within one of the new 2000-level spawns, which can be tamed for a reward of 2 talent points.

  • A new NPC quest at level 2000 grants increased healing and mana from all runes, extending to corresponding spawns.

  • A new proxy system has been implemented with a North America server based in Canada to enhance connection stability and reduce latency.

  • Autoloot has been adjusted to prevent infinite slots, ensuring fair gameplay.

  • The Penguin Event Teleport duration has been extended to 5 minutes, with the penguin summon occurring after 3 minutes for improved event participation.

  • Non-PvP areas have been improved to allow more players to attack bosses, fostering greater engagement in PvE content.

  • Market pages have been optimized for smoother functionality.

  • Client and bot performance have been enhanced for a better overall gaming experience.

  • A critical bug allowing the equipping of unowned cosmetics has been fixed, ensuring fair cosmetic usage.

  • Various minor map bugs have been addressed for a more polished gaming environment.

These updates aim to enrich gameplay, address bugs, and create a more enjoyable experience for all players.

7.3.2024 - Official Release is Tomorrow!

Welcome to the first official release for Evolisca, a full RPG experience where everything you gain/lose directly impacts your character strength! Evolisca Promised and proofed to the community that we the development team cares about the game, daily fixes and updates and discussions on every feedback or suggestion by any player enjoying our server, 2 years of development finally getting to the light. Evolisca features multiple systems to improve the game's quality and hunting experience, many quality of life improvements were made during beta thanks to our awesome community we could improve much more than expected and maintain the server at a stable state since the first week in beta.

It is never late to join us, Wiki & friendly community makes it easier to progress and enjoy your time!

Ps: Re-download of the client is necessary to prevent issues as we made multiple changes in the BETA version client, make sure you are using the official release one (Contains auto-updater)

28.2.2024 - Official Release is coming soon!

Official Release is finally here!

Thanks to everybody contributed with his time, feedbacks and suggestions the beta went more successful that expected, We are happy to announce that the official release is on door! See you in-game on 8th of march, don't miss an extra ordinary release where everything was made together by players and staff!

1.Svider (5539)
2.Stygen (5490)
3.Hamas (5391)
4.Mekila (5294)
5.Cyces (5096)

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Uptime: 0h 57m

Players: 18/1000